St Richard's CE Primary

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) 

We all want the very best experience for our children at St Richard’s CE Primary School. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a charitable organisation composed of a fun and friendly group of parents, carers and staff, who all want to contribute towards making the children’s experience even better.

What does the PTA do?

School community – The PTA creates a sense of community within the school by organising enjoyable events for children, families and staff.

Fundraising – The PTA helps raise much needed funds to support school activities and enhance school resources.

Previously, the PTA has provided funding to:

  • subsidise school trips to reduce the cost to parents
  • provide each child with an Easter egg during the annual Easter egg hunt and Easter bonnet parade
  • buy digital cameras for the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • pay £200 towards the Year 6 Leaver’s Party
  • buy plants and materials to create a garden meadow for the children to use

The PTA is currently raising funds to develop the playground further with new equipment and playground markings.

How can I get involved?

All parents/carers can be involved by attending and supporting PTA events. However, if you would like to get involved by taking on a role within the PTA or helping out at a future event, please speak to Mrs Kimber. 

When is the next PTA event?

A timetable of events for 2022-23 is currently being put together and will be added to this page shortly.