St Richard's CE Primary

Personal, Social & Health Education

Curriculum Intent

We aim to create an inclusive and open-minded space where pupils are able to learn how to become good role models and citizens of the world. Pupils are given opportunities to learn skills which will help them develop into confident, resilient and respectful young people who are able to make good, thoughtful choices. Pupils are taught about ways to keep themselves and others safe as they learn how to form healthy, positive relationships both within their immediate community and the wider world.

Curriculum Implementation

The school uses the Jigsaw Programme to deliver PSHE in weekly lessons which focus on one of the following six key areas each half term:

  • Being Me in My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

Early Years Foundation Stage

In Nursery and Reception pupils are guided to play cooperatively, taking turns and showing sensitivity towards others as they learn to form positive relationships with adults and children. Pupils discuss with others their likes and dislikes, building confidence to speak in a group. Pupils are taught about different emotions and feelings and they consider how different behaviours have different consequences. They are introduced to school and class rules and understand the importance of rules in keeping us safe.

Key Stage 1

In KS1 pupils learn about making good choices around eating and exercise and also explore choices through looking at voting and democracy. When learning about living in the wider world, pupils reflect on what makes us special, the different relationships they have and the importance of valuing difference. Pupils are taught how we can be safe online, and how to persevere and set realistic goals. Pupils learn about medicines and safety with household items. They also explore life cycles of different animals, including how humans grow from young to old, and the differences between male and female bodies. 

Key Stage 2

In Years 3 and 4, pupils learn how to keep their bodies healthy, including looking at the effects that different actions, such as smoking and alcohol, can have on their bodies. Pupils learn more about bullying behaviours and positive ways to deal with bullying incidents. Pupils are taught at an age-appropriate level about how to keep themselves safe on the internet and when out in public. Pupils focus on managing their feelings and dealing with change. 

In Years 5 and 6, pupils are taught about the importance of making good choices to keep their minds and bodies healthy and pupils discuss the ways in which we are similar and different.  Pupils are given opportunities to discuss concerns they have about things they see online and where to go to for support. Pupils consider stereotypes and how to challenge these, and they prepare for life in the wider world by deepening their understanding of salaries and the ‘value of money’. Pupils continue their learning about how to maintain positive relationships and go on to explore the impact of puberty on the body and relationships. Pupils are taught about the importance of physical hygiene and are given opportunities to discuss and reflect on the emotional and physical changes occurring in puberty.

Our teaching of PSHE is enriched through our work with companies and charities, such as the NSPCC, to provide informative and interactive pupil and parent workshops about bullying, online safety and relationships and sex education. This enables parents to support their children in these key curriculum areas. Our curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils to learn how to keep themselves safe with supportive interventions such as playground buddies and the PANTS rule from the NSPCC. More information can be found here. 

PSHE includes the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). This policy can be found on our Policies page.