St Richard's CE Primary

Religious Education

Curriculum Intent

We want children to develop into religiously literate individuals who have an enthusiasm for RE, a sound knowledge of the Bible and a deep understanding of how faith enriches their own and others’ lives so that they can 'live life in all its fullness'. We aim for children to discover and explore their own beliefs and practices, as well as those of other world views and faiths. We want children to engage confidently in discussions about the meaning and purpose of life and spirituality, becoming educated citizens in a world of diverse beliefs.

Curriculum Implementation

As a school within the LDBS Academies Trust, we follow the LDBS syllabus for Religious Education. RE is delivered through an enquiry-based approach . The focusing of RE topics around ‘Big Questions’ challenges pupils to reflect on the deeper questions of meaning and significance. 

Early Years Foundation Stage

In the EYFS, religious stories and learning are delivered through collective worship and play based learning. Pupils learn key stories such as ‘Noah's Ark’ and explore the key festivals of Christmas and Easter. Pupils express religious stories, as well as their own ideas, thoughts and feelings about religious stories through design and technology, art, music, dance and role-play. Pupils listen, talk about and role-play similarities and differences between themselves and others. They talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members, this allows them to begin to explore what it means to be part of a wider local and global family. 

Key Stage 1

At KS1, pupils learn to recognise a growing range of religious stories and to retell them through drama and story writing. Pupils begin to recognise that people act in a particular way because of their beliefs; this is supported through the introduction of looking at other faiths, such as Judaism. Talk in the classroom is actively encouraged to help pupils develop their use and understanding of religious vocabulary and phrases. Pupils are encouraged to discuss and question what they wonder about and recognise that some questions are difficult to answer. RE is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to talk about their own feelings, experiences and the things that matter to them. 

Key Stage 2

At KS2, pupils continue to deepen their knowledge and understanding of biblical stories and scripture. Pupils explore with increasing detail and accuracy, a range of religious beliefs and those actions of believers which arise as a consequence of their beliefs. The study of other world religions, such as Hinduism and Islam enables pupils to make links and connections between beliefs and sources and between their own and others’ religious beliefs and behaviour. Classroom discussion and debates enable our pupils to become religiously literate, equipping them to hold a balanced and well-informed conversation about religion and world views and enabling them to reflect, respond and express their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ideas.

Our teaching of Religious Education is enriched with visits to places of religious significance and worship, both locally and further afield, including our own St Richard's Church; as well as visits to the mosque, temple and synagogue. Opportunities, such as religious speakers coming into school, allow pupils to ask and explore faith first hand. In addition, collective worship, both in school and at church, allows opportunities for pupils to draw links between religious education and Christianity and how it can deeply enrich our lives.

Every Wednesday, St Richard's Church clergy run an Explorers Club for all children in Years 1-6 to attend. Activities and crafts are linked to a school Christian value.