St Richard's CE Primary


Admissions Arrangements and In-Year Admissions

Each year in September, we admit 26 children in the Nursery class (mornings only) in the term after the child’s 3rd birthday, and 30 children in the Reception Class (full time) after the child’s 4th birthday. We also provide before and after school care for both Nursery and Reception children.

Detailed information about the application process for Nursery and Reception places can be found in our Admissions Policy and on the Local Authority’s website.

If there are more applicants than places available, the LAC will admit children according to the over-subscription criteria, which is detailed in the school’s Admissions Policy.

We also have places in other year groups. Applications to other year groups are known as ‘In-Year Admissions’ and these are coordinated by the Local Authority. Further information can be found on their website.

We are proud of our school so we encourage prospective parents to look around before applying for a place. Prospective parents are welcome to make an appointment to see the school at any time by telephoning the school office.

Admissions to the ASC Additional Resource Provision

The school has a 16-place Additional Resource Provision (ARP) for children with a diagnosis of autism and an Education Health Care Plan.

Please note admission to the ASC ARP is decided by Hounslow SEND department and not the school.