Contact Us
Communication is really important to us so please get in touch
Our Office
For general enquiries please contact the school office.
You are welcome to come in to speak to a member of our office team or to telephone between 8AM and 4.30PM should you have any questions or queries. Alternatively, you can email us.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school website, please contact the school office.
If you have an enquiry about your child, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.
School Address & Contact Details
St Richard’s CE Primary School
Forge Lane
TW13 6UN
Tel: 020 8898 0848 (8AM – 4.30PM Mon-Fri)
Concerns & Complaints
If you have an enquiry about your child, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.
If you feel that the outcome is unsatisfactory , then you can book a time to meet with:
- Mrs McCarthy (Deputy Headteacher) for the mainstream school
- Miss Deane (SENDCO) for children with SEND in the mainstream school
- Ms Cooke (ASC ARP Leader) for children in the ASC Additional Resource Provision
They should be able to investigate, deal with and resolve most issues that may arise.
If, following this, you feel that the issue is not resolved, it can be passed to the Headteacher, Mrs Stilwell.
For very serious issues, the Headteacher, will investigate and take the action required immediately.
We hope that in this way, parents can be seen quickly and issues dealt with more smoothly
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
If you would like to contact the SENDCO, Miss Deane, please email or contact the school office.
Chair of the Local Academy Committee
Mrs Cecilia Thwaites (Chair of the LAC)
All correspondence can be sent to the Chair of the Local Academy Committee via the school address. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Thwaites by email:
LDBS Academies Trust
LDBS Academies Trust 2
London Diocesan House
36 Causton Street
Tel: 020 7932 1177
Social Media