St Richard's CE Primary

Design & Technology

Curriculum Intent

In Design and Technology, pupils are taught to design and make products that solve real and practical problems and that meet the needs of the world around them. Pupils are taught the process of investigating and researching; designing and planning; producing and evaluating. This enables them to become creative, resourceful and capable global citizens with practical skills and imaginative solutions to the problems they may face.

Curriculum Implementation

Early Years Foundation Stage

Through play-based learning activities, pupils learn the skills and knowledge to manipulate materials and use simple tools appropriately.  They are able to plan and select the tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using. Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities in and outside of the classroom to develop an understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges and consider and manage some risks. From the start of EYFS pupils are given daily opportunities to transport and store equipment safely.

Key Stage 1

In KS1 pupils plan, design, make and evaluate a range of projects. Pupils learn how to plan and prepare healthy food in the 'Chop, Slice and Mash' and 'Remarkable Recipes' units. Pupils explore textiles in a puppet making unit and have the opportunity to investigate materials, learning how to select appropriate materials and use them to construct purposeful products when they design and build a beach hut and learn to create moving pictures. Pupils also have the opportunity to explore mechanisms when they design and build a taxi or London bus with fully functioning axles in Year 2.

Key Stage 2

In KS2 pupils are offered the opportunity to develop a range of practical skills including working with textiles, cooking skills and using a wider range of tools in model making. Design and technology projects range from making Tudor houses and prototypes of bridges, to making nightlights and creating printed textile items, as well as sewing new items from old, unwanted clothes. Pupils develop their understanding of mechanisms as they learn about cams through making a moving toy, pneumatics and learn to safely manage more complex tools as they develop woodwork skills. 

DT Curriculum Overview 2022-23